Big Boy, 2020, acrylic on canvas, 122 x 92 cm
Lily Lewis
Lily Lewis is a multidisciplinary artist working in the realms of the narrative, be that in the form of a painting, a poem, embroidery or performing stand-up comedy. Drawing her inspiration largely from studying the human condition and its experience and interaction in the world, Lily is particularly interested in the resonance between the five platonic solids, the five elements and the five senses.
Investigating the so-called 'universal geometry' (five platonic solids) within the thematic narrative structure of how the human body perceives its environment, Lily questions how the mix of colours and shapes make up the sets of our lives and whether our senses interplaying with them create the stories we tell ourselves about our existence.
The perceivable spectrum to the human eye is one of the most defining experiences of humanity and through her work Lily examines its relevance. Especially pertinent as the data of our daily lives is being systematically recorded and uploaded, our memories and emotions translated to data.
Utilising figuration in combination with pattern making and abstraction, her paintings and works on paper are deliberations on the development of socialisation and communication. Playfulness and stimulations to reconnect to the child within are tools Lily often utilises to open the gateway to her creations. She has been reading tarot cards since child and much like her work, the cards never reveal anything concrete yet each reading relies on the inferences of those involved.
Lily Lewis, born in England, 1986, is a self taught artist and writer. She lives and works in the UK.